Being a CMO or MO is a very
challenging position on a ship. Considering Medical personnel
are not always on the bridge, we are more easily over looked than
other positions. In the information that follows, you will
find resources that will give you ideas to help keep yourself busy
if and when the SM is not able to. The information also
details the duties for both the CMO and MO. It lists diseases,
medicines, medical treatments, and medical equipment. It gives
you a template to help design a species for an arc if your SM has
developed one. There is a plethora of information we hope you
find most useful as you serve in ACTD as a part of the Medical
Appendix A - ST Illnesses
Appendix B -
Startrek Medical Scans, Tests, and Screenings
Appendix C -
Startrek Medical Procedures
Appendix D -
Startrek Medicines
Appendix E -
Medical Equipment
Appendix F - Ships
Medical Facilities
Appendix G - Description and breakdown of Medical Personnel
by shifts
Appendix H - Creating a new race for an arc
I. Duties
Defined for CMO
The CMO’s duties
fall under two main categories. He or she has medical duties
as well as Administrative duties.
Medical Duties
a. Medical
Prevention i.e. Physicals
Upon new assignment – Each
person should receive a complete physical on two different
occasions. Everyone is supposed to receive a yearly physical.
Also, upon assignment to a new starship or Starbase, everyone should
receive a baseline physical. During this physical four
readings (heart rate, blood pressure, respirations, and temperature)
and ten scans (Cranial scan, Brainwave scan by hyper-encephalogram,
Bronchial scan, Gastrointestinal scan, Muscular scan by resonance
tissue scanner, bone scan, cardiovascular scan, blood scan,
lymphatic scan, reproductive scan) should be performed.
2. Although
most people don’t do these regularly. Partial physicals are
supposed to be done when a crewmember returns from an Away Team.
Four readings (heart rate, blood pressure, respirations and
temperature) and two scans (Brainwave scan by hyper-encephalogram
and blood scan) should be done for this physical.
If as a Chief Medical Officer you aren’t able to prevent diseases or
injuries, your secondary purpose is the diagnosis of illnesses and
diseases. You can find a list of these in Appendix A.
You can also find a list of different Starfleet scans, tests, and
screenings in Appendix B.
Once as a CMO you’ve
diagnosed an illness or injury, there are two ways that treatments
can be rendered, technological treatments and pharmaceutical
treatments. Technological treatments are found in Appendix C.
Pharmaceutical treatments are found in Appendix D. Appendix E lists
medical equipment you can use to accomplish your treatments
b. Away
Team Duty -- Depending on the mission, often a medical officer is
sent along on the away team. Their main job of course is to
see to any injuries that may occur to any member or the away team or
any other medical emergencies.
Research – In the context
of Mission Orders being sent with the purpose of research, medical
often supports science, or replaces them if there is no science
officer on the AT. Where science is scanning for everything
under the sun, medical's main concern is anything that has to do
with the biological. Biological includes plants, animals,
insects, birds, fish, bacteria, microbes, anything defined as
ii. Medical
Assistance – There are times when a ship will be sent out to help
another ship who is in the midst of a ship wide medical emergency.
Medical on the ship will lend assistance to the ship on which the
emergency is located.
iii. Relief
Aid – There are other times when planets may be in the midst of
planet-wide or even a localized epidemic. Starships may be
called in to assist or bring medical aid. In cases like this
Medical may be called upon to research, diagnose, and treat the
medical ailment. Often times discussing facts with your SM
will be of great value. He or she will usually provide some
information upon which you can go in hopes of solving the medical
Medical Briefings—
i. A
medical brief is often collaboration between the CMO and the SM.
They are not written up as often as science briefs, but in cases
where biological or medical are the underlining theme, they can add
to the storyline. They also give the other players references
to use so that everyone is using the same language and has the same
basic knowledge of what is going on.
Often the SM will
give the CMO a free hand with a medical situation, giving them the
key points that need to be included or in some cases, left out.
Unless the medical personal is fairly certain of their SM and what
they expect, the Medical Brief should be sent to the SM for approval
before sending out. The MB is usually attached as a
supplemental to ones log for that week in the NG unless otherwise
suggested by the captain, in which case it can be attached to the
ships Mission Brief.
A distinction needs to be made
between a Medical Brief that is sent out and one that is done during
a mission during a meeting. If one knows they will be presenting
data during a meeting they should pester the SM before hand for any
information they might need. If possible, have it typed up and
prepared to give before hand to save mission time. Otherwise, those
mission briefs are often a gathering of facts that have already been
given and you are now presenting it combined and in a medical genre
to send out with your log.
d. Medical
Planning – In
planning medical drills you will need to take several things into
Decide if the drill
is meant as a character development tool (OOM) or if it is to
interact with different ship departments. (In mission)
2. Ask
your SM’s and Captain’s permission (if you want to do this in
3. Decide
on a scenario that will be used to test the ship’s medical readiness.
4. Consider
recruiting NPC’s or crew to assist in the drills.
During in mission
drills, you may find yourself needing to direct certain character’s
actions a specific way. Feel free to give them information that
will motivate them to make moves that you need.
Sometimes Mission Orders will state that you will be doing medical
research on a particular species of plants or beings. It is
strongly suggested, that until you are absolutely positive that what
you are studying is safe, that you keep it in some kind of
containment field.
When working with this type of mission,
make sure you ask as many question.
Other times, research can be done during the course of a routine
mission that has nothing to do with medical. If you find
yourself in one of those situations in which medical is either
underutilized or not utilized at all devise a scenario that gives
your character some medical research to do.
OOC: It is suggested that if you
have a created staff for all areas and shifts, that you might create
a short profile for them for the crew to use in their logs.
This works well when the crew needs or wants a doctor and either
doesn't want to bother the CMO or the CMO is not readily available
for OOM's or log permissions.
b. In
Assigning Medical
Staff’s duties – The CMO is responsible for assigning the medical
staff’s duties. Take a look at the different units that are on
your ship and assign NPC’s to cover those aspects. You can do
this for a log idea or in character during a mission slot.
Setting Medical
Staff’s schedules – The CMO is responsible for setting the medical
staff’s schedules. Again, create a list of your medical NPC’s,
their ranks and positions (MO, Med Tech, Nurse, etc) and schedule
them for certain shifts. Again this can be done in a log or in
the context of a mission.
iii. Searching
for or replacing medical staff – This is an area in which you can do
a lot of character development. You can “interview” people for
the position, spend time talking to the NPC’s superiors, etc.
iv. Supervising
Medical Staff – This can fall under so many categories. This
can be done during medical emergencies or it can be done as part of
a routine happenings. Even the simplest of tasks, that as a
CMO, you supervise can become great log or interaction ideas.
Duties of the MO
1. Medical
Prevention i.e. Physicals
Upon new assignment
– Each person should receive a complete physical on two different
occasions. Everyone is supposed to receive a yearly physical.
Also, upon assignment to a new starship or Starbase, everyone should
receive a baseline physical. During this physical four
readings (heart rate, blood pressure, respirations, and temperature)
and ten scans (Cranial scan, Brainwave scan by hyper-encephalogram,
Bronchial scan, Gastrointestinal scan, Muscular scan by resonance
tissue scanner, bone scan, cardiovascular scan, blood scan,
lymphatic scan, reproductive scan) should be performed.
Although most
people don’t do these regularly. Partial physicals are
supposed to be done when a crewmember returns from an Away Team.
Four readings (heart rate, blood pressure, respirations and
temperature) and two scans (Brainwave scan by hyper-encephalogram
and blood scan) should be done for this physical.
If as a Medical
Officer you aren’t able to prevent diseases or injuries, your
secondary purpose is the diagnosis of illnesses and diseases.
You can find a list of these in Appendix A.
Once as a MO you’ve diagnosed an illness or injury, there are two
ways that treatments can be rendered, technological treatments and
pharmaceutical treatments. Technological treatments are found
in Appendix B. Pharmaceutical treatments are found in Appendix
d. Team
Duty -- Depending on the mission, often a medical officer is sent
along on the away team. Their main job of course is to see to
any injuries that may occur to any member or the away team or any
other medical emergencies.
i. Research
– In the context of Mission Orders being sent with the purpose of
research, medical often supports science, or replaces them if there
is no science officer on the AT. Where science is scanning for
everything under the sun, medical's main concern is anything that
has to do with the biological. Biological includes plants,
animals, insects, birds, fish, bacteria, microbes, anything defined
as living.
ii. Medical
Assistance – There are times when a ship will be sent out to help
another ship that is in the midst of a ship wide medical emergency.
Medical on the ship will lend assistance to the ship on which the
emergency is located.
iii. Relief
Aid – There are other times when planets may be in the midst of
planet-wide or even a localized epidemic. Starships may be
called in to assist or bring medical aid. In cases like this
Medical may be called upon to research, diagnose, and treat the
medical ailment. Often times discussing facts with your SM
will be of great value. He or she will usually provide some
information upon which you can go in hopes of solving the medical
2. Any
duties assigned by the CMO.
3. When
the CMO is not present, whether they are on an Away mission, or
unable to make a mission, the MO steps in and basically covers for
the CMO duties.
Proposed Indices
ST Illnesses
Aging Disease |
Rapid aging caused by radiation
exposure |
Altarian Encephalitis |
A retrovirus that lies dormant
in cells after incorporating DNS into host cells. It
erases memory back to the point of infection when it activates |
Anchilles fever |
Highly contagious disease which
causes painful death |
Andronesian Encephalitis |
Highly contagious airborne
disease |
Aphasia |
Loss of aural, visual and
communitive controls usually caused by cranial trauma |
Arethian Flu |
Viral disease |
Arteriosclerosis |
Disease of plaque buildup in the
arteries |
Barclay’s Protomorphosis
Syndrome |
Syndrome where intron release
causes de-evolution within a patients DNA. It’s caused
by the invasion of genetic codes by Synthetic T-cells |
Bendii syndrome |
A rare, usually fatal disease of
Vulcan’s over the age of 200. Usually symptoms include
emotional outbursts that are telepathically passed onto others.
To confirm the disease is indeed Bendii syndrome, a culture
must be grown from the metathalmus |
Coleibric Hemmorrhage |
Blood hemorrhage of part of
Cardassian anatomy. |
Corellium Fever |
High fever combined with
delirium |
Danray’s Disease |
Incurable disease that attacks
the brain and nervous system |
Depressurization |
In a depressurized environment,
consciousness lasts 15 seconds followed by 10 seconds of
disorientation followed by unconsciousness. |
Enantiodromia |
A mental dysfunction meaning
“conversion into the opposite” as a means of dealing with
stress or loss |
Eosinophilia |
Unusually high red blood cell
count. Serum Eosinophils-specific instance of the virus. |
Forrester-Trent Syndrome |
Hereditary degenerative
neurological disorder |
Histamic Reaction |
Massive body weakening infection |
Hypoglycemia |
Low blood glucose |
Iverson’s disease |
Debilitating muscle disease with
no known cure |
Kalla-Nohra Syndrome |
Only known cases came from the
Cardassian mining camp. Resembles Pottrik Syndrome.
Can be confirmed if a lower pulmonary bio-probe is negative |
Larosian virus |
Unspecified symptoms may include
lack of inhibitions |
Levodian flu |
Virus with a 29 hour life cycle |
Metremia |
Radiation poisoning caused by
Metroen Cascade. Fatal degenerative blood disease |
Neural Depletion |
Complete loss of neural activity
in the brain |
Neural Metaphasic Shock |
Complete failure of the entire
Neurological system |
Orellius infection |
Specific type of insect
infection on certain M-class worlds. Symptoms include
swelling and fever |
Orkett’s disease |
Childhood disease that affects
growth and lymphocyte production |
Parasitic infection |
Unclassified disease that
simulates death. Infects the Scapula node |
Parinisti measles |
a mutated form of German measles |
Phyrox plague |
Plague that easily reaches
epidemic proportions |
Plasma plague |
Virulent, deadly virus that is
yet to be classified |
Pottrik syndrome |
Similar to Kalla-Nohra Syndrome |
Replicative fading |
A loss of genetic information
occurring when an organism is repeatedly cloned |
Rygelian fever |
Deadly disease resembling the
bubonic plague |
Somatophysical failure |
Compete collapse of all bodily
systems |
Symbalene blood burn |
Virulent blood disease |
Temporal narcosis |
Delirium produced by exposure to
temporal distortions |
Terellian Death syndrome |
Symptoms include dizziness,
blurred vision, palpitations and stinging in the lower spine |
Terellian Plague |
Virulent disease similar to
Terellian Death Syndrome in many respects |
Thelusian flu |
Exotic yet harmless disease |
Transporter psychosis |
A breakdown of neurochemical
molecules that occur during transport. Last known case
occurred in 2319 |
Transwarp Evolutionary syndrome |
Mutations in DNA caused by
travel above warp 10 |
Tsiolokovsky infection |
Waterborne viral infection that
occurs near huge gravitational shifts. Infection takes
away carbon from the body and reduces inhibitions making the
victim appear intoxicated |
Urodelean flu |
Mild affliction with symptoms
that include an imbalance in the k-3 cell count increased
intravascular pressure and heightened electrophoratic activity |
Xenopolycythemia |
Abnormal proliferation of red
blood cells causing weakness, fatigue, enlarged spleen and
extreme pain. |
Zanthi fever |
Emotions are projected onto
others. Symptoms include headache |
Startrek Medical Scans, Tests, and Screenings
Amniotic scan |
Sensor readings of the fluid
contained within the amniotic sac of mammalian pregnancies |
ARA Scan |
Medical scan that can be used to
determine the truthfulness of a humanoid subject |
Berylite scan |
Medical procedure used aboard
Federation starships |
Blood Screening |
Medical test used on Federation
personnel to identify shape-shifters |
Brain Circuitry pattern |
Medical diagnostic image mapping
neural activity in a humanoid brain |
Deep Tissue scan |
Medical scan done as part of a
post mortem investigation |
DNA Reference scan |
Medical test to confirm an
individuals identify by matching DNA patterns Surgical device
used to sever neural connections |
Electrophoretic Analysis |
Standard medical test run to
analyze cellular components |
Hematological scan |
Medical diagnostic study of
patient’s blood factors |
Hyper-encephalogram |
Test that records and measures
brainwave activity |
Hypothalamic series |
Used to determine hypothalamic
function |
Inner Nuncial Series |
A battery of neurological tests |
K-3 cell count |
Used to diagnose the Urodelean
flu |
K-3 indicator |
Measures neural activity
corresponding to pain |
Myocardial enzyme balance |
Medical test used in surgical
particularly cardiac procedures |
Neural Imaging Scan |
Medical diagnostic scan used to
test the acuity of the patient’s visual cortex |
Resonance Tissue Scan |
Medical diagnostic test used by
Starfleet physicians to screen for infections |
Reticular imaging scan |
Medical test used to verify the
presence or absence of activity in the visual cortex |
Retinal Imagine scan |
Measures visual cortex activity |
Steinman analysis |
Medical test noting individual
specific data such as voice analysis and brain patterns |
C. Startrek Medical Procedures
Accelerated Critical Neural
Pathway Formation |
Medical procedure that uses
genetic recoding to alter the brain a humanoid patient.
It is illegal under laws dating back to the end of the
Eugenics war. These laws are based on the argument that
if the genetically enhanced people were allowed to compete
freely, all parents would feel pressured to have their
children enhanced so that they could keep up. |
Antiproton Radiation Treatment |
Used to destroy mutated DNA |
Bicaridine treatment |
Regenerative therapy used for
fracture patients. Used for patients to have an allergic
reaction to Metorapan |
Bioregenerative Field |
Radiated energy used in
biomedical applications to accelerate cellular growth |
Cardiac Induction |
Emergency medical resuscitative
measure |
Code Gold |
Code for resuscitating an
apparently dead patient |
CPK Therapy |
Medical treatment used to limit
the extent of spinal injury |
Cryogenic Open-heart Procedure |
Surgical procedure used to
repair damaged cardiac tissue using temperatures near absolute
zero |
Cryostasis |
Medical procedure used to slow
down biological functions in a critically injured patient,
allowing the physician more time to correct the malady |
Direct Reticular Stimulation |
Medical procedure in which
electrical energy is applied directly to the nervous system of
a humanoid patient in an attempt to revive neural activity.
A neural stimulator is used in the procedure |
Engramatic purge |
Procedure used to erase specific
thoughts from a person’s mind |
Gene Splicing |
Genetic engineering technique |
Metorapan |
Regenerative treatment for fracture patients. |
Neurosomatic technique |
Procedure for interrogation
where the subject is placed in a delusional world |
Neurolink |
Emergency medical technique used
for the stabilization of patients with brainstem injuries.
Matching neural pads were use. One would be places on a
healthy individual and a matching unit on the patient.
These devices enable a link to be established between a
healthy person’s autonomic nervous system to that of the
injured patient. |
Ribosome Infusion |
Used to treat prolonged exposure
to hostile environments |
Synaptic Induction |
Technique in neurotherapy used
for patients suffering from traumatic memory loss |
Synaptic Reconstruction |
Surgery that neutralizes the
synaptic pathways responsible for deviant behavior. |
Startrek Medicines
Adrenaline |
Treatment against radiation |
Stimulant that can be pumped
through the life support systems |
Alzine |
Counters Allergic reactions |
Ambrazine |
Sedative |
Anabolic Supplements |
Helps resist harvester
nanobiogenic weapons |
Analeptic |
Used as a restorative |
Anesthezine |
Sedative used to render someone
unconscious |
Anti-intoxicant |
Used to prevent inebriety |
Asinolyathin |
Analgesic |
Benjisidrine |
Used on Vulcan’s for treatment
of heart conditions |
Benzocyatizine |
Used to adjust the level of
Isoboramine in Trills |
Bolamite |
Treatment for Omega radiation
exposure |
Borathium |
An experimental rybotherapy
medication used to replace Leporazine and Morathial |
Cateline |
Simulates anaphylactic shock |
Cervaline |
the Anti-rejection drug |
Chlormydride |
Second line of medication if
Inaprovaline fails |
Cordrazine |
Powerful medicine used to revive
patients |
Corophizine |
Antibiotic |
Cortical Analeptic |
Reinvigorates the tissues of the
cerebral cortex |
Cortolin |
Resuscitative drug |
Cryptobiolin |
Used to improve the skills of
soldiers |
Cyalodin |
Poison |
Delactovine |
Systemic stimulant |
Deoxyribose Suspensions |
Fluid derived from DNA |
Dermaline Gel |
Used in treatment of burns |
Dermal Osmotic Sealant |
Medicinal skin application used
as a protection against epidermal irritation such as that
caused by exposure to trigemic vapors |
Dermatiraeliene Plasticine |
Used to maintain the effects of
cosmetic surgery |
Desegranine |
Used to reverse memory loss |
Deuridium |
Used by the Kobliad to stabilize
cellular structure |
Dexalin |
Used to Oxygen deprivation |
Dylamadon |
Used to accomplish euthanasia |
Elasian Tears |
Love potion |
Fanalian Toddy |
Hot drink that soothes coughs |
Felicium |
Used to treat a plague |
Felodesine Chip |
Used by Romulans for suicide if
captured |
Formazine |
Stimulant |
Genericillian |
Powerful antibiotic |
Glucagen |
Raises blood sugar levels |
Hydrocortilene |
Analgesic |
Hydrocortilene |
Analgesic |
Hypercoagulin |
Clotting drug used to rapidly
stop bleeding |
Hyperzine |
Cardiac stimulant |
Hyronalin |
Treatment against radiation.
Each dose reduces radiation level by ˝ but increases chances
of Hyronalin poisoning |
Hyvroxilated Quint-ethyl
Metacetamine |
Anesthetic potion |
Immuno-suppressant |
Used to limit immune response |
Impedrezene |
Cardiac medication |
Imaprovoline |
Calmative |
Inaprovaline |
Stimulates cardiac cell
generation |
Inpedrazine |
Used after cranial trauma |
Intraspinal Inhibitor |
Used to induce paralysis |
Kayolene |
Sedative |
Kelotane |
Used to treat burns |
Ketracel white |
Used to control Jem’Hadar |
Kironide |
Aides in psychokinetic powers |
Lectrazine |
Used to stabilize cardiovascular
and renal systems |
Legrazine |
Resuscitative drug |
Leporazine |
Resuscitative drug |
Lexorin |
Neurotransmitter inhibitor.
Temporarily diminishes intelligence, but blocks psychic and
psionic activity |
Losorin |
Used to counteract mental
disorientation |
Macrospentol |
Used to improve the skill of
soldiers |
Makho root |
Antidote for the mugato bite |
Makara herb |
Increases progesterone levels |
Maraji Crystal |
controlled addictive substance |
Masiform D |
Powerful stimulant |
Melorazine |
Sedative |
Memory Beta |
Stimulates memory |
Merfadon |
Sedative |
Metabolic Reduction Injection |
Reduces heart rate and bodily
functions |
Metrazine |
Cardiac anti-arrhythmic
medication |
Metropan |
Used to help a fracture heal |
Morathial |
Treatment for shock when blood
pressure is too low for Leporazine |
Morathial series |
Resuscitative drugs |
Morpazine |
Creates a deep dreamless sleep
for 3-18 hours |
Morphenolog |
Analgesic, anti-convulsion
medicine |
Neo-anapaptic |
Biochemical neurostimulant.
First dose increases heart rate and eases stress of high
gravity. Second dose can lessen the natural damage of a
phaser blast even set to kill |
Neodextraline Solution |
Liquid nutrient enriched
solution |
Netinaline |
Stimulant |
Neural Paralyser |
Causes cessation of heartbeat |
Neurotransmitter |
Biochemical responsible for
neural electric energy |
Nogatch Hemlock |
Poisonous substance |
Nor-ep |
Used to revive |
Nor-epinephrine |
Similar to adrenaline |
Neurovine |
Treatment to counteract neural
poisoning |
Peridaxon |
Palliative treatment |
Polyadrenaline |
Synthetic pharmaceutical based
on epinephrine |
Polynutrient Solution |
Restorative formula full of
nutrient |
Psilosynine |
Helps Betazoids filter trauma
from reading victims |
Psychoactive drugs |
Used to produce delusional or
hallucinogenic affects |
Pulmozine |
Simulates death |
Retanax V |
Used to treat nearsightedness |
Retroviral Vaccines |
Preventative of inoculation |
Rexalin |
Used as a sedative, tranquilizer,
or pain killer |
Ryetalyn |
Mineral antibiotic |
Serotonin |
Central Neurotransmitter |
Stokaline |
Used to awake Vulcans from a
deep trance; mild stimulant for others |
Terakine |
Analgesic |
Tesokine |
Used to aid in Metabolism of
Bajoran Nutrients |
Theragen |
Biochemical weapon |
Thuludian Crystal |
Narcotic |
Tri-ox |
Used to help breathe in an
oxygen deprived atmosphere |
Trianoline |
Used to treat percussive
injuries |
Triclenidil |
Used to improve the skills of
soldiers |
Tricordrazine |
Neurostimulant drugs, chemical
version of a cortical stimulator |
Triptacederin |
Analgesic |
Tryptophan |
Lysine distillate that is a
powerful antibiotic |
Vasokin |
Used to increase the blood flow |
Venus Drug |
Makes you look younger |
Veridium Six |
Poison |
Vertazine |
Antibiotic |
E. Medical Equipment
Anabolic Protoplases |
devices are used to heal internal and external body damage
without the need of opening the body cavity of the patient to
effect repairs. They use small force fields, phase-modulated
lasers, and anabolic accelerators to quickly heal injuries
without scarring. They come in a variety of sizes for
different repairs.
units are useful for fine work involving the eyes and ears,
while larger units heal cuts and even broken bones.
temporarily confer the advantage of Instant Regeneration to
the area treated, but cannot replace surgery in serious
injuries. For example, if used on a very deep stab wound, they
could seal the damaged tissues and prevent further blood loss,
but a subcutaneous hole would remain unless closed with
This device will not repair incidental damage resulting from
the original injury. For example, an officer who has been
stabbed may have the wound repaired in sickbay in 15 minutes,
but will still have to deal with the blood loss. |
Alpha-wave inducer |
Device used to enhance sleep in humanoids, but only meant for
occasional use. |
AT Equipment:
Medical personnel on AT missions
or other assignments away from sickbay facilities are
frequently issued any of a variety of medkits. These
portable equipment packages typically include a medical
tricorder, field hypospray, respirator, defib module, sample
kit, autosuture, a dermal regenerator, a neural stimulator,
and selection of bandages and drugs for emergency field use.
A doctor can perform most routine and emergency medical
procedures on-site. Patients with severe injuries or
illnesses, however, must receive full diagnosis and treatment
in sickbay. Medkit devices are designed to work on all
known human life-forms and on most DNA-based non-humanoids. |
Autosuture |
Used to close a wound |
Bandages |
Starfleet's Medical department
has a wide variety of bandage options. Simple bandages made of
sterile, inert materials that do not bind with clotting wounds
are common. Dermapatch is available in a spray applicator, or
in larger pre-formed pieces. |
Blood-Gas Infuser |
Used to stabilize oxygen levels |
This is an
orthopedically-designed hospital bed which has an array of
bio-function sensors that monitor all bodily systems. The bed
is raised to allow the doctor to comfortably examine the
patient. It has a graphic display at the head that gives the
patient's current status. Restraining fields are available on
some models.
A sensor cluster
is a circular arrangement of sensors
located above the primary Bio-Bed in sickbay. It augments the
sensors of the Bio-Bed, and also provides an emergency
containment field to prevent contamination. |
Bioimplant |
Artificial organic material that
can be surgically implanted into a person’s body to replace
damaged tissues. |
Cardiac Stimulator |
Used to restart the heart |
Cerebrusian Rejuvenator |
Slows the aging process.
Overdose can cause the rapid “de-aging” leading to death |
Cortical Stimulator |
Used to revitalize neural
activity |
Cytoplasmic Stimulator |
Used to stabilize cellular
toxicity levels |
Decompression Chamber |
Used to create different
atmospheric conditions to gradually lower or to increase the
pressure on a patient |
Defibrillator |
Used to restart the heart when
it’s stopped |
Delta wave inducer |
Used to induce sleep |
Dermal regenerator |
Used to repair damage to
epidermal tissue |
Detronal Scanner |
Used to read and encode DNA
patterns |
Electron Resonance Scanner |
Medical imaging device that
allows the doctor to see down to the level of DNA molecules |
Exoscalpel |
See scalpels |
Genotronic Replicator |
Experimental medical device
designed to translate the genetic code into a specific set of
replication instruments, allowing the doctor to “grow” a new
replacement organ at an accelerated rate. |
Hypospray |
Used to subcutaneously and
intramuscularly inject medications in humanoid patients.
The hypospray uses an extremely fine-pressured aerosuspension
delivery system, eliminating the need for a needle to
physically penetrate the skin.
An Isomimotic hypo can be used
to create biogenic weapons. |
Isomolecular scanner |
Advanced medical diagnostic
device although not common equipment of Federation starships.
They are useful in the study of very alien physiology’s |
Isotropic restraint |
Medical force field used to hold
a patient totally immobile |
Laser Scalpel |
See Scalpels |
Medical Tricorder
medical tricorder is an ordinary tricorder or TR-580 with a
special medical peripheral (MP) added. The MP contains
specialized medical sensors and features (biosampler,
bioscanner, chemscanner, datalink, environmental analysis,
medscanner, multiscanner, and radscanner) as well as an
enormous database of information on more then 200 humanoid and
non-humanoid aliens, and hundreds of thousands of diseases and
medical problems. The sensors on the MP can identify
species and detect vital signs at a range of 25 meters.
Within 5 meters, these sensors can analyze a being’s internal
structure, in a manner similar to a 20th-centruy
CAT scan; broken bones, internal injuries or other problems
can be detected. The MP also contains a detachable
high-resolution probe. This remote probe only has a
range of one meter, but it is capable of extremely detailed
observations, including DNA typing, blood chemistry analysis
and detection of all known drugs, poisons, bacteria, and
The tricorder has an external hand-held sensing device.
This peripheral contains over 100 sensors, and the tricorder
contains a specialized medical database that provides detailed
medical diagnostic tools in the field including topographic
and micrographic imaging. A small diagnosis wants fits
into the top of the peripheral and is occasionally used by the
physician to provide close high-resolution scans.
Together, these sensors allow the Medical Tricorder to make
very detailed diagnosis on known species. On unknown species,
it is limited to telling if the life form is sick or dying. A
detailed analysis is not possible in such a situation.
Effective range is about three yards. |
Microtome |
An electronic instrument used to
cut very thin sections of organic tissue for microscopic
examinations. Useful to acquire samples of diseased tissue for
medical analysis. It is essentially the same as 20th-century
Microtome. |
Monomolecular scalpel |
See Scalpels |
Motor assist bands |
1cm wide strap like devices used
with neurologically damaged patients. The bands provide
electrical stimulation of the patient’s limbs and help with
muscle retraining. |
A suspension
of nanotechnological assemblies that are typically used to
survey cellular genetic damage and effect repairs.
They report to, and are
monitored by, the attending physician. Nanosurgeons are useful
to repair additional damage that drugs (for example) cannot
affect. |
Neural Implants
One of the
elements that, when combined with others, allows the sightless
people to see. The neural implants function as the
bioelectrical interface between the visual cortex and a VISOR.They
consist of two bilateral implants in the temporal regions of
the skull and feed directly into the visual cortex. A portion
of the implants must remain external to allow for the direct
connection of the VISOR to the head.
Neural Calipers |
Used to measure the activity
between the neural synapses during surgical procedures |
Neuroelectric suppresser |
Used for pain suppression |
Neural paralyzer |
Used to simulate death.
Must be treated within 12 hours or actual death will occur |
Neural Stimulator |
The instrument used to increase
neural activity in the central nervous system of a dying
humanoid brain. |
Neural Transducers |
Implantable bioelectric devices
that receive nerve impulses from the brain and transmitted it
to affected voluntary muscle groups |
Osteogenic Stimulator |
Used to treat cranial trauma.
Could also treat non-cranial bone injuries |
Osteotractor |
Immobilizes limbs during
treatment |
Parthenogenic Implant |
An artificial device surgically
implanted into a human body |
Phoretic Analyzer
Biomedical analysis device which
is able to determine body chemistry of any type of creature
with a liquid chemical make up or otherwise |
Physiostimulator |
Used to elevate metabolic
functions in impaired individual |
Plasma infusion Unit |
Medical equipment used aboard
Federation starships to dispense fluids and electrolytes |
Pulmonary Support Unit |
Emergency cardiopulmonary
support unit |
Protodynoplaser |
Used to stabilize the immune
system |
Psychotricorder |
Used to record past memories |
Quarantine Seal |
Also called a medical quarantine
field. Force field used to isolate potentially hazardous
biological specimens in sickbay and other laboratory
facilities aboard starships |
Plasma Infusion Unit
An instrument used for
transfusions of blood, blood plasma, and/or electrolytes into
patients that need them. It is used the same way blood
transfusions in the 20th-century. The Plasma Infusion Unit
also provides filtration of the material to be delivered. |
There are
three varieties to choose from: traditional cutting blades
with a monomolecular edge, laser scalpels that cauterize as
they cut, and nanotech scalpels that separate tissues along
cellular lines without damage. Each has different uses.
Exoscalpel is used to incise the skin and expose the
underlying tissue.
scalpels help the surgeon because of bloodlessness, but can
dazzle anyone unwary enough to look into the beam, even though
the scalpel can only cut within its focal length.
Monomolecular blades require no power supply and quickly slice
through most matter with minimal effort.
Nanotech scalpels cause minimal disruption of tissue but
operate slowly.
There is current research in an experimental scalpel that
utilizes Transporter technology. |
Somnetic Inducer |
A small neural padd used to aid
in the induction of sleep in humanoids. Otherwise similar to
the Alpha Wave Induction unit above. |
Sonic Separator |
Used to separate the brain from
the body |
Standard Med-kit
The physician’s medkit is a
small, strap-on case designed to carry emergency medical
supplies. A full standard kit would include: anabolic
protoplaser, bandage assortment, cardiostimulator, 2
hyposprays, medical tricorder, neural stimulator, respirator,
sampling kit. A full kit also includes the following
medications, 5 vials of Delactovine, 5 vials of tricordrazine,
3 vials of asinolyathin, 4 vials of hyronalin, 3 vials of
panamyacin. All doses of any drug type are contained in
vials that must be inserted into the hypospray. The
standard kit may be altered to suit missions or situation, but
must be altered before the mission begins. |
Stasis Field Generator
This device is used in
emergencies when a patient cannot be stabilized and requires
treatment that is not immediately available. It significantly
slows all biological activity within the perimeter of the
field, placing the patient in a sort of suspended animation.
The patient will not be aware of any passage of time while
under the influence of a stasis unit, since the biochemical
activity of the patient's brain is effectively halted. |
Stasis Unit |
Emergency medical device which
can hold a patient in a state of suspended animation until the
medical treatment could be rendered. This is used only
in the hope that a cure can be found for a disease within that
person’s natural lifetime |
Styrolite |
Clear plastic like material used
for biological quarantine of potentially hazardous life forms |
Surgical Support Frame
A vital tool in nearly all
surgical procedures is the surgical support frame (SSF), or 'clamshell'
as it is sometimes called. The SSF not only maintains a
sterile environment for most surgical procedures, but also
incorporates several vital diagnostic and life support tools.
These include a battery of bio-function sensors, supplementing
those provided by the biobed and by the overhead medical
equipment array. The SSF is capable of automated
administration of intravenous medication as well as
cardiovascular support and emergency defibrillation. A
variety of surgical support frame types are available for
different procedures, as well as for different life form
types. Most biobed units are designed to accept surgical
support frame |
T-Cell Stimulator |
Medical device which increases
the production of T-cells hence enabling a humanoid to better
fight infection |
Tissue Mitigator |
Used in surgical procedures to
slow down cellular cytoplasmic activity in engaged tissues |
Transporter Scalpel |
Experimental method using
transporter beams to remove cells |
Visual Instrument and Sensory
Organ Replacement |
F. Ships Medical Facilities
Main Sickbay
These facilities provide the
medical staff with an impressive complement of tools with
which to handle an extraordinary range of medical problems for
both known and presently unknown species. Capabilities
include a fully equipped medical laboratory with advanced
bio-assay and life form analysis hardware. Also
available are nanotherapy, genetic sequence, and
viro-therapeutic equipment. Medical lab capabilities can
be bolstered by employing the lab services of one or more
shipboard science department. |
Surgical Suites
A key
element to the medical intensive-care unit is the biobed
sensor and support unit. This orthopedically designed
hospital bed incorporates a basic array of bio-function
sensors that can be tied into a variety or remote medical
instruments including the medical tricorder. Also
incorporated are a number of medical gas and fluid connect
points for various devices, including the surgical support
vital tool in nearly all surgical procedures is the surgical
support frame (SSF), or 'clamshell' as it is sometimes called.
The SSF not only maintains a sterile environment for most
surgical procedures, but also incorporates several vital
diagnostic and life support tools. These include a
battery of bio-function sensors, supplementing those provided
by the biobed and by the overhead medical equipment array.
The SSF is capable of automated administration of intravenous
medication as well as cardiovascular support and emergency
defibrillation. A variety of surgical support frame
types are available for different procedures, as well as for
different life form types. Most biobed units are
designed to accept surgical support frame.
Surgical procedures and other intensive care procedures are
accomplished at the primary biobed, located at the center of
each sickbay ward or surgical suite. Above this biobed
is an overhead cluster of diagnostic bio-function sensors.
This array also incorporates a low-level force field generator
that can be used to reduce the chance of potentially harmful
microorganisms entering or leaving the biobed area. Not
that this force field is of relatively limited utility and is
not adequate to maintain a totally sterile environment
sufficient for surgical procedures or to satisfy biohazard
protocols |
Most medical treatments occur in the ICU (Intensive Care
Unit), which has several biobeds, which can perform all the
functions of a medical tricorders MP unit. |
Null-gravity Therapy Ward |
When a person’s injuries are severe to the point they are not
able to bear weight on a lower extremity or they have extreme
pain during motion, the Null-grav ward is used to remove any
downward pull on the limb from gravity. |
Morgue |
The purpose of the morgue is two-fold. It is to store
bodies of deceased crewmembers and family who resided shipside
or station-side. The morgue is also designed to handle
autopsies not only of crewmembers and family, but also of
alien physiologies. |
Biohazard Unit
The biohazard unit is designed to handle a situation where
someone has been exposed to a bio-hazardous material.
This unit allows isolation from the rest of the ship air and
water supply as well as for decontamination of the pathogen or
other bio-hazardous material. |
Isolation Unit
The isolation unit is designed for the isolation of a patient
who could contaminate the ships population through direct
contact, indirect contact, or airborne means. This unit
keeps the patient completely isolated from the ships
population. Even the air used in this unit is filtered
by a different system and is not spread throughout the ship. |
Dental Care Office
Dentistry also falls under the jurisdiction of the Medical
Department. The Dental care office is expressly for that,
dentistry. A tech specialized in dentistry will care for
the teeth of those onboard ship in this office. |
The nursery is where babies are kept for at least the first
few hours of their lives while their mothers recover from
childbirth. Also babies who have had troubles during the
birth or babies who have special needs are kept here for
treatment. |
The laboratory onboard a starship or station is equipped to
handle most work ups that need to be done whether it be
culturing an unknown bacteria or running tests on blood that
can be done on a tricorder. Almost anything that can’t
be done on a tricorder or a biobed sensor panel can be done in
the laboratory. |
Physical Therapy Unit
name states its basic purpose. This unit is designed for
and houses equipment used in physical therapy. If and
when a crewmember is injured to an extent that even surgery
cannot fully repair, physical therapy is done in this unit. |
Radiation Therapy Unit
When a crewmember has been exposed to near fatal levels of
radiation for a short time or has been exposed to harmful
levels of radiation over a long period, the treatments found
in this unit can help save lives. |
Critical Care Unit
This is a unit where critically ill patients can receive more
comprehensive treatment. Many times when a doctor has
exhausted all of his or her treatment options for a terminally
ill patient, the patient will spend the rest of onboard ship
time here. |
Aide Stations
Aide stations are very similar
to a mini Sickbay. They can do many things that main
sickbay can do but they have no other lab facilities or
specialized treatment facilities attached. If a person
with serious injuries is brought to the aide station,
stabilizing medical treatment can be given and then the
patient will be sent to main sickbay where they can obtain
more comprehensive treatment. |
Extra Emergency Medical
In large-scale medical emergency
situation, all shuttle bays can be converted to medium- and
intensive care hospital facilities using quick-deploy
emergency hospital modules. Additionally, lesser numbers
of overflow patients can be handled by conversion of guest
quarters to medical intensive-care units. |
Description and breakdown of
Medical Personnel by shifts
Station Information
According to DS9 tech manual on
a station the medical department in comprised of 10 staff
physicians, 20 nurses as well as med techs. Each shift
was comprised of one doctor, two nurses and two med techs.
The rest of the staff are distributed between the laboratories
and other research suites and are rotated to the infirmary in
three shifts per twenty-six hour day. An overlap of some
ten minutes allows the shifts to exchange updates during
changeover. Research laboratory personnel not directly
assigned to the infirmary rotation number anywhere between
fifteen and twenty-five, are scientists and techs that are
working on projects. |
Ship Information
A good example of the breakdown
of medical personnel for ships would be along the following
lines. Alpha shift would be comprised of the CMO, MO,
one nurse, and two med techs. Beta shift would be
comprised of an MO, one nurse, and one tech. Gamma shift
would have an MO, one nurse, and one med tech. |
H. Creating a new race for
an arc
There will be situations where the
SM will want to introduce a new race for an arc. Many times
they will feed you pertinent information on a race and they will
expect you to fill in the blanks in the information they gave you.
The following information will give you a template you can use in
allowing you to develop all aspects of a new species.
Human norms |
Appearance |
Average Height |
Average Weight |
Average Life Span (Male) |
77.57 standard solar years |
Average Life Span (Female) |
83.35 years |
Normals for Visual Acuity |
20/20 |
Average Mental Acuity |
IQ of 100 |
Distinguishing Marks |
Male to Female ratio |
9.6 men to 10 women (figure
based on US 2000 census)
http://thepost.baker.ohiou.edu/archives3/sep01/091001/brief7.html |
Skin Color |
Peach to dark brown |
Range for Eye Color |
Grey blue to dark brown |
Range for Hair Color |
Blonde, Red, Brown, black |
Normals for BP |
120/80 |
Normals for pulse |
60 – 80 bpm |
Normals for temperature |
37 degrees C (98.6 F) |
Normals for Respirations |
12 – 14 per min |
Bronchial Capacity |
3L – 4L |
Stomach pH |
Average Bone density |
25 year old 956 mg/cm2
35 yo 944 mg/cm2
45 yo 920 |
Distinguishing physical
characteristics |
Distinguishing anatomical
characteristics |
Distinguishing physiological
characteristics |